Make a Difference


Every month Mediterranean Baptist Mission commits to assisting pastors in countries closed to the gospel. In Egypt alone, there are 29 pastors we support monthly, 6 in Sudan, and we are constantly expanding to other countries. As MBM continues to partner with Middle East Baptist College and Seminary our family of pastors and church plants is ever-expanding.

These pastors face extreme difficulty in the ministry and providing for their families is nearly impossible. Your generous giving helps these pastors survive and carry on the work of the ministry. Every day we need new donors to prayerfully give so that new works can be established.

Furthermore, for a church in a country like Egypt to receive government permission to congregate they are required to have a property and a building that has been constructed to minimize the noise factor with their surrounding neighbors. Open doors abound for new churches to be planted but continual funding is needed. MBM continues to diligently pray and search for monthly giving partners and generous one-time gifts for new construction projects.