Middle East Baptist Seminary

Mediterranean Baptist Mission was founded by the late Dr. Benjamin Lazarus and continues to grow and expand under the leadership of Dr, Archie Norman. Our reach is continuing to multiply in the middle east as national leadership is being equipped, churches are being established and new countries are being entered. We look forward to partnering with you so that we can continue to impact the Mediterranean area as “laborers together with God”! (I Corinthians 3:9)

Mediterranean is a partner with a Bible College and Seminary that is being used by God to train Christian leaders in Egypt, but is also training others from more than 10 different closed countries. We believe the future of the gospel in this area of the world is in the training of the  next generation.

MEBS is recognized by many theological schools inside and outside Egypt as one of the best theological schools in the Middle East and North Africa. Because it is our desire to please the Lord Jesus Christ and His church, we are committed to both academic and spiritual excellence. MEBS is funded by tuition, individual grants, and gifts from supporting churches and individuals from around the world.

The purpose of MEBS is to train Christian leaders and workers academically and spiritually for their place of service at home and abroad. MEBS students are primarily interested in preparing as pastors, missionaries, evangelists, Biblical counselors, Christian day school teachers, and Christian educational directors.